This blogging thing is a very brave thing I am doing. Mostly because I am superstitious and do not want to jinx myself in anyway with this baby thing. It has been an interesting 4 months to say the least. I think that my friends and family will be thankful for Tuesday when we receive our 20 week ultrasound. To say I am a "nervous nelly" would be an understatement. To say I am psychotic might be the more appropriate wording. In a nut shell Dallin is happy the hormones are evening minute laughing, one minute bawling (not just a tear or two). He is also happy my appetite is back since I think he feels like he lives in a 3rd world country where food runs sparse. Poor man had to come to his mom's for food and loves since the last thing I wanted to get around smelly foods and give anyone extra TLC. Harley too has been neglected. We went on our first walk last week. Half a block and I thought I was going to have to carry my obese dog home.
Things have turned around the last few weeks! I LOVE LOVE LOVE to eat, I spend most my days apologising to Dallin for the roller coaster I put him through and I am starting to get spring fever (although today it feels like December). I think I may be feeling little flutters off and on. I wait patiently to see if it ends in gas which most the time it does. Ohhh the joy's of womenhood! Well, that is the update on us...hopefully we will be a little more exciting this 2nd time around!
Good luck to you and your families!